
Founded in 2020 by Can-Explore, the company has been bought by Groupe Canam in 2024.

Read the news to get all the details :
Can-Explore annonce la vente de sa compagnie Tensio à Groupe Canam (newswire.ca)

Smart Building Monitoring

Tensio is a smart building monitoring tool. Using sensors installed on your building and a web application that communicates real-time data, Tensio alerts you as soon as a risk is detected on your roof.

Two types of sensors are available: for snow and for roof drains. Snow sensors measure risks based on the weight on the structure and weather forecasts. Drain sensors measure the water level in your drains and detect anomalies.

With Tensio, inspection rounds are no longer necessary, helping you avoid costly and dangerous incidents. Tensio provides you with the best solution for preventive maintenance!


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